MN ESST - at MN DoL - all employees in MN earn paid time off since Jan 1, 2024. This is a must read for everyone; applies to mental health, domestic abuse and more situations.
Domestic Abuse
National Domestic Violence Hotline 24x7 800-799-7233 Call/Text/Chat
Minnesota Day One Services. - 866.223.1111 Call - Crisis Hotline
MN Attorney General flyer on Domestic Abuse - including info on OFP Order for Protection - no cost and protection against employer retaliation
MN Restraining Orders - FAQs - at
MN Attorney General short publications on many topics - including sections in Spanish, Hmong and Somali
988 Lifeline - at, 988 overhauled in late 2024
Housing and Basic Needs
211 First Call for Help - National help line for a variety of needs (crisis, mental or physical health, housing, food, utilities, childcare, insurance, veteran services)
People Serving People - Shelter, in Minneapolis
Mary’s Place - for homeless families with children - shelter intakes (M-Th 10am, arrive early). Meals (except Fri). Food Shelf. Dental (Tue, Thur). Eyeglasses. Beds and more.
Stepping Stone - Anoka location, provides emergency shelter and basic needs for adults - For seniors (or their caretakers) and those disabled - this is a resource to find help
Financial, subject to availability
The 30-days Foundation grants - paid only to a service provider, up to $500